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Crock Pot Olive Oil Herb Bread {Recipe Redux}

You can bake bread in a crock pot?! You betchya. Little did I know (until this month’s Recipe Redux theme was announced), that crock pot of yours can make all sorts of things - no-casserole style. So toss those cans of “cream of whatever” and get to experimenting with healthier ways to use your c-pot. […]

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Black Bean Polenta Bowl

Polenta is simply ground corn which can be cooked in a number of ways. Boiling dry polenta gives you a delicious and creamy porridge - aka, grits. (For more on grits, check out my post on Shrimp and Grits, with a little history of my beloved corn buds). Likewise, polenta is also sold precooked, refrigerated […]

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Edamame Patties

I LOVE edamame. A few nights ago I was staring at these green, shelled beans in the freezer, wondering just what to do with them. I usually mix them in with pasta or quinoa. Sometimes I snack on them solo. But that night, I wanted something different. I figured, treat them like any other […]

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Orange Beet Salad

The Fresh Beet is long overdue for another beet recipe. More beets please! I love how beets let you know exactly where they’ve been… Don’t like beets? Please try them this way before casting them aside for good. The oranges really bring out the sweetness of the beets here, and the goat cheese adds a […]

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How To Cook Spaghetti Squash

One of my goals in life is to get people cooking more. Not only will healthy home cooking lead to a healthier being, cooking is a basic human skill that can and should be carried throughout life. There are many reasons that people don’t cook more - and believe me, I’ve heard them all. But […]

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Stuffed Endive

Belgian endive can be a bitter lettuce on its own, which is why it’s good to pair it with something sweet and savory to balance out the flavor. These fun “endive boats” are filled with toasted walnuts, goat cheese, fresh orange pieces and balsamic drizzle. SO GOOD. If you remember from one of my previous […]

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Veggie Spring Rolls

These are really fun to make and present beautifully as an appetizer. I made them for a great dinner party and served them with a Ponzu dipping sauce (which I did not make - store bought all the way). Stuffed with cucumbers, carrots, peppers, spinach, basil and cilantro, these tapioca-rice wraps package a nice crunch. […]

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Tomato Tart

A few days ago I shared a Tomato Tart recipe on Google+. It was featured on Healthy Aperture’s recipe of the day and was originally posted by Craving Something Healthy, a fun food blog. The photo of the tart was just beautiful and motivated me to make one of my own. I made a couple […]

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Lemon Parmesan Orzo

Looking for another quick meal idea? This lemon parmesan orzo mixed with veggies cooks up in less than 30 minutes and can be treated as a side dish or a simple light dinner. It’s also another great way to use up those last bits of veggies you may have lying around. I used kale, onion, […]

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Summer Bean Salad

Today I needed a quick lunch and I had a couple summer veggies lounging around that needed to be used up. Nothing is quicker than doing a rough chop through some onions and tomatoes and tossing them with some beans and herbs. A touch of citrus ties this summer bean salad together quite refreshingly.   […]

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