Tag Archives: quinoa

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Stuffed Sweetpotato Skins {Recipe Redux}

I received free samples of California Sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You read it - Sweetpotato. One word. Why? Because they are […]

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Quinoa Salad In A Jar {Recipe Redux}

The Recipe Redux strikes again! My last few posts have been dedicated to the Recipe Redux Avocado Contest, which has kept me happily busy in the kitchen creating things like chocolate pudding and avocado crab salad. But now it is time to make a little something for the Recipe Redux monthly theme, and this months recipe […]

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Maple Blueberry Fig Quinoa

A perfect alternative to oatmeal in the morning, quinoa covered with fruit, sprinkled with nuts and drizzled with pure maple syrup really starts my day off nicely. Simple. Delicious. Quick. Nutritious. This bowl is packed with an outstanding mix of protein, fiber and carbohydrates for a sustained energy level. The pure maple syrup and dried […]

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Coconut-Chimichurri Orzo & Quinoa

Do you ever start cooking dinner and then realize you have a little bit of this grain left, a little bit of that pasta, some leftover sauce in the fridge…? I did a few nights ago so I threw them altogether and added a few things to make it more of a meal. The result… […]

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Olive & Pepper Quinoa

Peru - home of the Quinoa. And how I’ve missed thee. After spending months in Spain, Argentina and Chile, where quinoa is non-existent, I was quite ecstatic to stumble upon its abundance in the local market of Arequipa (our first stop). It’s so cheap here too! For less than a dollar I was able to […]

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Breakfast Quinoa

  Time to switch up the typical bowl of oats and use quinoa instead. As one of the few complete protein sources from plants, quinoa tastes just as good with milk, cinnamon, fruit and nuts. A 1 cup serving of this nutty tasting grain nourishes your body with 12g of high quality protein and 20% […]

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Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

I love the simplicity of grain salads. They can be made in large quantities ahead of time and eaten throughout the week. It makes lunchtime a little easier and you are still guaranteed a flavorful and nutritious meal. I chose to use quinoa because it cooks up quickly and it has a great protein profile; however, any grain would […]

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Pumpkin Quinoa Bars

Great for a quick breakfast or snack, these pumpkin quinoa bars are moist and chewy. They offer a nice balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to keep you feeling satisfied. And…they have pumpkin in them! Feel free to substitute with whatever nuts and fruit you prefer or have on hand. Ingredients 1 1/4 cup rolled […]

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