Tag Archives: edamame

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Edamame Patties

I LOVE edamame. A few nights ago I was staring at these green, shelled beans in the freezer, wondering just what to do with them. I usually mix them in with pasta or quinoa. Sometimes I snack on them solo. But that night, I wanted something different. I figured, treat them like any other […]

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Bowtie Pasta with Edamame Puree

Looking for a new pasta sauce idea? Creating a puree with any vegetable can act as a sauce and as a great way to get in more nutrients with a pasta dish. Broccoli, carrot and squash purees are great with pasta. So why not edamame? Because this sauce is a little thick, you can use […]

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Coconut-Chimichurri Orzo & Quinoa

Do you ever start cooking dinner and then realize you have a little bit of this grain left, a little bit of that pasta, some leftover sauce in the fridge…? I did a few nights ago so I threw them altogether and added a few things to make it more of a meal. The result… […]

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Vietnamese Noodle Soup

After eating at Little Saigon, I’ve been dying to re-create one of their awesome soups. The time has come. It’s basically a buckwheat noodle soup filled with vegetables, garlic, ginger, jalapeño and cilantro. Such great flavor combinations. Don’t let this seemingly light broth-based soup fool you. It’s jam packed with fiber, got some moderate protein and a […]

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Black Bean-Edamame Salad

A great source of soluble fiber, beans help to reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. They are packed with tons of nutrients and should be a part of our diet even if we’re not struggling with high cholesterol or diabetes. They’re great to throw onto salads and into grains, or use them as a […]

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Sorghum: Experiment With A New Grain

A friend bought this grain for me months ago from a local Oriental market, and I’ve finally gotten around to cooking it. An important grain for human consumption in parts of Africa and Southeast Asia, Sorghum here in the states is mostly used for livestock feed (watch out corn!) and ethanol production. Apparently, Sorghum is […]

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