Curry Chicken Salad

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Have you ever tried Earth Fare’s Mock Chicken Salad from the deli? It’s basically a soy product used to mimic chicken, tossed together with curry, raisins, celery and an eggless mayo-type dressing. It is terribly delicious and I miss it so. There are no Earth Fare’s in Illinois and hence, no mock chicken salad. But that’s ok - I’ll be visiting one soon enough icon wink Curry Chicken Salad

My longing for their mock chicken salad was the inspiration for this real one. I smothered real chicken in a tangy curry dressing along with apples, celery and pecans. I made it a little on the wet side so I could spoon it over some undressed salad greens. Feel free to set aside some of the dressing if you prefer it a little more on the dry side.

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