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Curry Chicken Salad

  Have you ever tried Earth Fare’s Mock Chicken Salad from the deli? It’s basically a soy product used to mimic chicken, tossed together with curry, raisins, celery and an eggless mayo-type dressing. It is terribly delicious and I miss it so. There...

Some of the Best Chicken You’ll Ever Taste

This amazing chicken recipe was created by Jamie Oliver, that darling and passionate British celebrity chef who has recently made a big name for himself in attempting to revamp school food. Colleen stumbled upon this recipe one sleepless night (damn prednisone). And...

I’m Eating Meat Again…And a Rant on Sustainability

Ah yes, I’m eating meat again. Once in awhile that is. With my heavy plant-based diet, there’s room for some sustainably grown meat every now and then. Afterall, we are omnivores by nature.   Animals raised locally without antibiotics and in humane...