{Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

2013 03 15 15.29.59 764x1024 {Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

Argentina had some slim pickin’s when it came to grocery shopping. But I have to say this was one of the more tasty meals I was able to scrounge up.

Pasta and beans are cheap and cook up quickly. We’ve been eating quite a bit of these things while traveling because time and money are of essence. David made fun of our meals last night, saying that all we eat is: grain and veg, pasta and veg, bread and veg. However, we do make room for eggs, cheese and pork quite a bit.

2013 03 15 15.29.49 764x1024 {Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

The tuna adds some high quality, lean protein while the beans and veggies lend some great fiber. Whole wheat pasta is virtually non existent in Argentina or I would have used it. Although it’s been really nice tasting the local culture’s foods, it’s also quite nice to have a healthier meal native to my own country.

pixel {Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

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2 Responses to “{Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies”

  1. Bev Galloway
    April 4, 2024 at 8:10 am #

    Hi Ashley:

    That sounds good, however, where is the breakdown of the nutritional value and how many servings is this or at least what is the size of a serving?

    • Ashley M Galloway
      April 5, 2024 at 2:41 pm #

      My time blogging while traveling is pretty limited, so sometimes I can’t include the nutrition information. A serving size is about 1.5 cups.

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