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Grilled Pepper - Put An Egg On It

The egg strikes again. Earlier this year I posted Put An Egg On It, a recipe using leftover veggies topped with a fried egg. This time, I’m putting eggs on peppers. And then grilling them, allowing the egg to cook during grilling. I saw this done in Argentina...

{Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

Argentina had some slim pickin’s when it came to grocery shopping. But I have to say this was one of the more tasty meals I was able to scrounge up. Pasta and beans are cheap and cook up quickly. We’ve been eating quite a bit of these things while...

Asparagus and Swiss Chard Orzo

Right now I’m visiting Canada with my boyfriend and his family. And I’m loving every minute of it. Well, with the exception of the couple seconds spent smacking my head on the ice during a ski sesh. And falling oddly on my thumb, giving it free reign to...