Brie Polenta Rounds with Sautéed Mushrooms

DSC05105 1024x680 Brie Polenta Rounds with Sautéed Mushrooms

Looking for a quick and light lunch? Try these seared polenta rounds with melted brie and sautéed mushrooms.

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Place a couple of them over some salad greens with a side of juicy tomatoes.

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You can find precooked polenta in a tubular shape wrapped in plastic, making it simple to slice into rounds.

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Don’t like brie? I won’t hold it against you…but you can really use any cheese you like. Goat cheese would also be nice. Just be mindful of the different melting temperatures cheeses have. Soft cheeses - like brie, camembert, goat, etc. - have lower melting temps, while hard cheeses - like parmesan, manchego, etc. - have higher melting temps. Harder cheeses take longer to melt so turn your heat down when cooking the last side of your polenta rounds and cover your pan to trap heat and reduce cooking time.

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