Tag Archives: squash

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Rigatoni with Mushrooms, Mustard Greens and Squash Sauce {Leftovers}

Need less than 30 minutes to whip up a quick meal? This dish took about 20. Mostly because I used up some leftovers. We’ve been having lots of squash soup lately, and what better way to use it than as a pasta sauce? All I had to do was roughly chop up some onion, mushroom […]

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5 Nutritious and Quenching Summer Salads

The warm (and often humid) summer weather begs for fresh juicy fruits thrown into salads. It’s a great way to boost the nutrients in your salad, add a serving of fruit to your day and quench your summer driven thirst. Spinach and crisp red cabbage topped with juicy orange slices, red onion, sunflower seeds and […]

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