Autumn Roasted Brussels and Apples

Although available year round, brussels and apples are seasonally considered fall specific foods. This simple recipe allowed me to introduce them to each other, and I think it’s safe to say that they will now be friends to the end.

Just toss together equal parts of halved brussel sprouts and chopped apples with enough olive oil to lightly coat the mix. Season with a dash of salt and pepper, and place a hearty sprig of fresh rosemary in the center.

At the last minute, I decided to add some onion; just enough to broaden the flavors of it all (so about 3 parts brussels and apples, 1 part onion).

Bake at 350 until Brussels are golden brown, about 20-25 minutes.

Also a part of this autumn inspired meal were various squashes, quartered and roasted with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.

I love squash. Especially the pleasant surprise they hold inside…

These roasted seeds are a great accompaniment to the meal or as a little snack on their own.

The squash boats were perfect holding the brussels and apples, along with some leftover quinoa.

Topped off with the roasted squash seeds and you have yourself a nutritionally packed meal! This meal provides you with well over 100% of your daily need for Vitamin A and K, lots of Vitamin C (from the brussel sprouts) and fiber. The quinoa offers a high quality plant based protein and the squash seeds lend a nice blend of minerals, especially magnesium.

Start your autumn out right and feast on these cruciferous creatures for good health.

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2 Responses to “Autumn Roasted Brussels and Apples”

  1. jahdmrs
    October 22, 2023 at 6:20 am #

    Looks fabulous. I’ve only ever used pumpkins or squashes for hollowing out and decorating. But this looks great, I love sprouts so gonna give squash a try. How do you prepare the seeds. They are so slimy and fiddly. Do you wash them then roast them. And how long for and what temperature? Can I also roast pumpkin seeds?
    Avril :-)


  1. Fall Recipe Favorites from thePlate Community - Around the Plate - September 14, 2023

    […] Autumn Roasted Brussels and Apples from the Fresh Beet […]

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