Tag Archives: tuna

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{Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

Argentina had some slim pickin’s when it came to grocery shopping. But I have to say this was one of the more tasty meals I was able to scrounge up. Pasta and beans are cheap and cook up quickly. We’ve been eating quite a bit of these things while traveling because time and money are […]

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Not Your Momma’s Tuna Salad Sandwich

Canned tuna doused in mayo is so 1950′s. Don’t get me wrong, I like a little mayo with my tuna every now and then, but too much of a good thing ends up not being such a good thing. I like to use a little olive oil and mustard instead. Throw in some capers, diced […]

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Salad Nicoise

Pronounced “knee-swah”, this French salad is not your typical light fare. Salad Nicoise is a mixture of tomatoes, green beans, onions, olives, tuna, hard boiled egg and potatoes tossed in a vinaigrette and placed over salad greens. The potatoes, tuna and hard boiled egg give this salad a nice heartiness. Paired with a little homemade rosemary focaccia and you’ve […]

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