Blackberry Pumpkin Muesli


Muesli (pronounced Mew-zly) is a type of breakfast cereal made with uncooked rolled oats (and any other type of grains), dried and fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, and milk. It’s kind of a cross between oatmeal and cold cereal, if that makes sense. If you don’t like the texture of oatmeal but like everything in it, I guarantee you’ll like muesli.


Keep this simple mix on hand for a quick and healthy breakfast.

“Tis the season for all things pumpkin, so of course I had to throw some in this. What’s great about muesli is you can make your own, bulk style, and always have some on hand. By keeping a mixture of oats, nuts and dried fruit stocked in the cabinet, you will always have the opportunity to make a quick bowl of muesli or oatmeal in the morning.


Add some pureed pumpkin into your milk before pouring it over your muesli for a daily shot of disease fighting Vitamin A - and for a heart warming fall flavor.




I love to hear from you! What will you put in your muesli?


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