The Fresh Beet | Credible Nutrition Information
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Food for Thought

Food for Thought

A Promising Update to the new Farm Bill - Food Stamps at Farmer’s Markets

By On October 1, 2023

Back in July I wrote about about Wholesome Wave’s Fruit and Vegetable Prescriptipn Program, an initiative designed to connect low income folks with nutrition related medical issues (overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.)… Read More

Food for Thought

Dark Chocolate Truffles

By On September 1, 2023

Last night I had the opportunity to create my own spread for 13 people. George and Colleen had some friends over for drinks and dinner, and gave me free reign to tear… Read More

Food for Thought

My First Pig Pickin’! And A Little History of The Pig

By On August 15, 2023

And what an event. It’s kind of a thing in my boyfriends family. He’s from South Carolina, and in the South, you invite a bunch of family and friends over, and have… Read More

Food for Thought

Doctors Are Prescribing Fruits & Veggies

By On July 31, 2023

A bit overdue, I think. But great, nonetheless. Initiated by the non-profit Wholesome Wave, The Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program was launched this past Tuesday in NYC in an effort to expose… Read More

Restaurant Reviews

Jack’s Cafe - Cusco, Peru

By On May 2, 2024

We took an 11 hour night bus from Arequipa to Cusco, Peru. I believe the Incan Gods were shining their grace upon us because our initial mediocre bus broke down hours before… Read More

Food for Thought

Cazuela: A Typical Chilean Dish

By On April 6, 2024

During our stay in San Pedro de Atacama (an immense desert),Chile, we stumbled upon this typical Chilean style dish, Cazuela. The staff running our hostel were cooking it up in the kitchen… Read More

Food for Thought

A True Garden Salad

By On February 28, 2024

One of the great things about staying with Gill and Jorge in Aranjuez is the availability of the awesome organic veg! Gill has experimented in the garden and created a “salad bed” - a… Read More


Vegetarian Nachos

By On January 27, 2024

Nachos! Colleen makes killer nachos. This time I wanted to be a part of the fun. So with our powers combined, we created this delicious bean and tempeh covered crunchy goodness. A… Read More

Food for Thought

Corporate Food Publicly Tied to Dietitians

By On January 25, 2024

During my undergraduate studies at Florida State University back in 2007, I decided to switch my major from Nursing to Nutrition with the hopes of helping to create a healthier nation through… Read More

Restaurant Reviews

Chicora Alley - Greenville, SC

By On January 14, 2024

Located in downtown Greenville, Chicora Alley offers the best of both worlds; a relaxing dining ambiance in the early evening, shifting into a lively late night bar scene. It’s locally owned by… Read More