The Fresh Beet | Credible Nutrition Information

Kiki’s Summer Bowl

By July 3, 2023 Lunch and Dinner, Salads, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetarian
Since she’s such a good helper in the kitchen, it only seemed fair to name a dish after her.

Kiki is quite diligent about keeping the floor clean, ensuring that any food scraps that fall off the counter during food preparation are not left to sit on the tile floor to attract bugs. She is also skilled at removing every last bit of yogurt and peanut butter from each container before they’re thrown into the recycling bin. She’s a rockstar in the kitchen I tell ya.
Because Kiki is especially fond of carrots and her personality is as vibrant as this salad, I dedicate this Summer Bowl to her…

Here’s what we’ve got over a bed of lettuce:
shredded carrots
shredded cabbage
clover sprouts
cherry tomatoes (from the garden!)
peach slices
basil leaves (from the garden!)
simple oil & vinegar dressing
It really is a refreshing and satisfying salad to help endure the heat of summer. To make it more of a meal, we paired it with some Rosemary White Bean Hummus by Thug Kitchen. You basically replace chickpeas in a standard hummus recipe with white beans and add some fresh rosemary. It’s super creamy and almost better tasting than original hummus, in my opinion.

I sprinkled a little Tuscany spice blend on top and drizzled some olive oil just before serving with some thick and crusty bread slices. This is a perfect meatless Monday meal if you need to add one to the list. It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare and you’ll feel satisfied and energized after eating it.Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Have a great week!

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