The Fresh Beet | Credible Nutrition Information
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Vegetarian Nachos

By On January 27, 2024

Nachos! Colleen makes killer nachos. This time I wanted to be a part of the fun. So with our powers combined, we created this delicious bean and tempeh covered crunchy goodness. A… Read More


Black Bean-Edamame Salad

By On January 14, 2024

A great source of soluble fiber, beans help to reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. They are packed with tons of nutrients and should be a part of our diet even… Read More


Spice Up Your Salad

By On November 30, 2023

Last night for dinner I threw together an arugula salad with pears, toasted pecans and blue cheese. It was so lovely I wanted it again for lunch today, but this time I… Read More


Apple Ginger Butternut Squash Soup

By On November 26, 2023

Apples and squash marry beautifully in this soup topped with slightly salty goat cheese, crunchy pepitas and sweet grape must. I could eat several bowls of this velvety squash slosh. It’s great… Read More


Keep It Simple Salad

By On October 1, 2023

Made it to Greenville! It’s been a hectic past couple of days trying to get things packed up for the long haul to my new home. But I’m here and I’m loving… Read More


Tempeh Spring Rolls with Spicy Peanut Sauce

By On September 21, 2023

As the first and only recipe challenge founded by registered dietitians, the Recipe Redux is focused on giving delicious dishes a healthy spin, while keeping them delicious (“redux” is latin for revisit… Read More


Honey, Fig and Goat Cheese Flatbread

By On September 11, 2023

Goat cheese again?! Yes, goat cheese again. I really don’t eat too much of it, but if there’s an offering, I’m taking it. Offending the goats is the last thing I want… Read More


Light Dinner Made Easy

By On September 8, 2023

Tonight’s been a lazy night…rain, reading and relaxing. A nice way to end the busy week. The only thing missing is a good conversation with my better half, David. He’s been hiking… Read More


End of the Summer Gazpacho

By On September 6, 2023

I know, it’s September. I kind of missed the boat on making this one…but it still feels like summer here in Florida so I figured it’s fair game. Gazpacho. A refreshing tomato… Read More


Roasted Beets over Arugula

By On August 28, 2023

With my last 2 garden fresh beets I brought back from Michigan, I decided to roast them. I typically boil beets - it’s quick, easy and they taste great. However, roasting them… Read More