The Fresh Beet

Smokey Turmeric Egg Salad

By January 22, 2024 Lunch and Dinner, Recipe Box, Recipe Redux, Salads
healthy egg salad recipe

Smokey flavors bring to mind campfires, and feelings of warmth and familiarity. Even though I love all these things, I’m not one to cook with smoke. I worry that a smokey flavor will be too overpowering and that I’ll completely ruin the dish. Not my most optimistic thought patterns, I know. And because I avoid cooking with them, I never get the practice that would otherwise boost my smokey confidence. I call it my smoke-avoidance inertia.

healthy smoked recipe smoked salt recipe

I’ve had these smoked salts on hand for over a year now. I received them as part of a set of numerous other sea salts (all of which are nearly gone now).

smoked salt on eggs

But yesterday, I put an end to this madness. Start Smoking in the New Year is this months Recipe Redux Challenge and dag nabbit, I’m using these smoked salts…on egg salad.

healthy egg salad recipe

It’s actually really good. Seriously. It’s bold, but not overpowering. It gives egg salad a little something extra to dance to. I couldn’t stop tasting it - you know, I’ve gotta see if a little more of this or that is needed. I’m surprised I had any left for a picture #shallowbowl

healthy egg salad recipes healthy egg salad recipe


Smokey Turmeric Egg Salad

A deliciously bold egg salad made with hickory smoked sea salt and antioxidant-rich turmeric. Bits of finely chopped onion and parsley round out the flavors nicely. Enjoy this on a sandwich or simply dollop it upon a hearty green salad with a side of crusty bread. Combine all ingredients and mix until well incorporated. You could also pulse the eggs in a food processor to speed things up a bit, and then mix all other ingredients in by hand. You still want some chunks of egg so don’t food process the eggs with all other ingredients.

Serves ~ 3

5 hard boiled eggs, peeled and chopped (be sure not to over boil; go for a softer, more moist yolk)

2 TBS mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon hickory smoked salt

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

A few grinds of fresh pepper

2 Tablespoons chopped parsley

3 Tablespoons finely chopped red onion

A little water if the mixture is too dry

Take a peek below to see what other Redux members are smoking up….


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  • Reply Alanna January 22, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    I told myself I need to boil eggs to make egg salad soon because it’s been far too long and I have a huge craving! The flavors in your recipe sound awesome! I love the addition of turmeric in this.
    Alanna recently posted…Smoked Brussels Sprouts with Maple Cashew CreamMy Profile

  • Reply Deanna Segrave-Daly February 18, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    I’m just getting around to this post and man, this puts me in the mood for egg salad even though it’s been years since I’ve made it! Those smoked salts sound divine :)

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