The Fresh Beet

Seared Cheddar Triangles with Sautéed Mushrooms & Spinach Over Crusty Bread

By February 1, 2024 Appetizer, Recipe Box, Snacks

“I received free samples of Cabot Cheese mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe challenge sponsored by Cabot Creamery and am eligible to win prizes. I was not additionally compensated for my time.”

Cabot Creamery is challenging Recipe ReDux members to create a healthier snack. From finger foods to hearty apps, we’re lightening up our favorite “big game” or red carpet eats for entertaining. This seared cheddar triangle is wonderful served as a hearty appetizer or light and wholesome snack. The sautéed mushrooms and fresh spinach compliment this cheddar nicely and the crusty bread, though it mostly serves as a vehicle for the seared cheese, adds a different texture and soaks up the juices from the cheese and mushrooms.

Have you ever had seared cheese? God, it’s marvelous. The bottom gets all hard and concentrated in flavor and the top/middle remains warm and gooey. I first tried cheese like this at a tapas restaurant for which I used to waitress in Tallahassee, FL. They used manchego cheese and topped it with marinated mushrooms and roasted red peppers. Also placed over crusty bread slices. It was amazing and I still remember every detail about it to this day.

So much that I’ve recreated it several times and am now finally posting about it. If you’re a newbie to searing cheese, here are a few helpful tips:

  • Use semi-hard and hard cheeses. Soft cheeses like brie and goat will melt before you’re able to get a nice sear on them.
  • Use a light breading on the base of the cheese to prevent losing too much cheese to melting. Panko, crushed crackers, corn meal whatever you like.
  • Make sure your cheese is REALLY cold. This will keep it together as best as possible during searing.

Searing the cheese only takes seconds so this can be a quick go-to snack as long as you have some veggies and crusty bread on hand.

Seared Cheddar Triangles with Sautéed Mushrooms & Spinach Over Crusty Bread

Serves 4

4 slice crusty bread, halved

8-1 oz slices of cheddar cheese, triangle shaped (cut a block of cheese in half, then slice each new block into thirds, lengthwise. Then slice each square into triangles0

2 cups mushrooms, chopped

2 cups fresh spinach

1 TBS olive oil

1 TBS balsamic vinegar

salt and pepper


-Saute your mushrooms: heat olive oil in a sauté pan and add mushrooms with balsamic and a dash of salt and pepper. Cook down until soft, about 5-7 minutes. Remove from pan.

-Lay out your bread slices and place some spinach leaves on each.

-Dip each cheese triangle into some panko to lightly coat.

-Place cheese slices into heated sauté pan; about medium-high heat. Cook for about 20 seconds and quickly remove from pan and place on top of the spinach. Lastly, top it all off with the mushrooms.

Interested in some other ways to add cheese to a wholesome diet? Check out some recipes from other Redux members below!

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  • Reply Teresa February 2, 2024 at 6:43 am

    We also love the intense flavor and texture of seared cheese. Love you combo. We seared ours on our EVO ( of course) and then added a little drizzle of aged balsamic. Thanks for sharing! Teresa

    • Reply Ashley M Galloway February 2, 2024 at 11:44 am

      Oh the aged balsamic sounds like a nice addition. Cheers to seared cheese!

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