The Fresh Beet | Charleston South Carolina Registered Dietitian

Quinoa & Beet Salad with Feta

By July 22, 2023 Recipe Box, Summer, Vegetarian
I’m definitely in “summer salad” mode - how about you? It’s so nice to have an already prepared salad to eat when you:
a) want to bring lunch to work to avoid the tempting, unhealthy foods in the workplace
b) need a quick bite during that busy weekend project
c) just want to make eating well a bit more convenient

Make a batch, stick it in the fridge, and pull from it all week long. You won’t be disappointed.
Maybe this is how you get back on track to eating well. One summer salad a week.

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Maybe this is how you get back on track to eating well. One summer salad a week.
Give it a try and see where it takes you.

Quinoa & Beet Salad with Feta

What You Need

1 cup quinoa
4-5 small beets, tops removed
1 TBS Cooking base or stock - I used mushroom base
3/4 cup crumbled feta
2 limes, juiced
1/4 cup fresh herbs - basil, sage, or parsley would be good

What You Do

1) Boil your beets. Wash and scrub the beets to remove as much dirt as possible. Place beets in a medium sized pot and fill with water just enough so beets are covered with water. Put on lid and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to a hearty simmer and cook until a fork easily pierces through the beet, about 20 minutes.
2) Cook your quinoa. While beets are cooking, cook your quinoa. Add 1.5 cups of water per 1 cup of quinoa in a medium to large stock pot. Add base and bring to a boil. Once boiling, stir and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook until quinoa absorbs water and little quinoa tails sprout from the grain, about 20 minutes.
*Some varieties of quinoa take longer to cook. You may need to add a bit more water during the cooking process so keep an eye on it.
3) Slice your beets. Once beets are tender (when a fork easily pierces through), drain and rinse in cool water. The skin will easily peel away - peel it all off. Keep the tails if you like. Slice each beet into wedges, however small or large you like.
4) Put it all together. Pour quinoa into a large mixing bowl. Add beets, feta, lime juice and herbs. Toss and serve.
Looking for some additional summer salad inspiration? Try one of these:
Zesty Kale Salad


Creamy Ricotta Lemon Pasta Salad

Switch up your salad dressing with this yogurt-based Asiago Peppercorn Dressing
What are your favorite summer salads? Share your go-to recipe with us in a comment below!
Stay cool,


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