The Fresh Beet

Grilled Salmon with Grilled Lemon Chimichurri

By December 22, 2023 Lunch and Dinner, Recipe Redux, Sauces & Dips
salmon recipe

This month’s Recipe Redux is challenging its members to grab a book and cook something from page 42 (or 142) in honor of the Redux’s 42 month existence! I’ve been with the Recipe Redux for about 24 of those months and the challenges have been a blast. It’s a great way to keep those creative, culinary juices flowing in the kitchen. Cheers to the Redux!

My cookbook of choice is It’s All Good by Gwenyth Paltrow. I remember first seeing this cookbook and wanting it solely for its beautiful photography and simple, clean recipes.

healthy recipes

salmon recipe

The recipe from page 142 is already pretty healthy - Grilled Salmon with Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette - so I increased it’s health factor by instead topping the grilled salmon with chimichurri, a green sauce made from a ton of parsley, garlic and olive oil. I picked up my chimichurri obsession when I traveled through South America and have since posted about it here, here, here and here. To make this chimichurri a little different from the others, I used lemon juice from grilled lemons instead of lime juice.

healthy sauce

healthy sauce


Is parsley really that healthy? Totally! Raw parsley contains a compound, apegenin, which is a potent anti-cancer phytochemical. Apegenin has been shown to inhibit the promotion and progression stages of cancer growth, and is a compound of high interest for further studying. Parsley is also high in Vitamin C, A and K, nutrients necessary to power many metabolic pathways in the body. It’s a nutritionally potent little herb that doesn’t have a strong flavor - take advantage of this and throw it anything. Getting some nutrition couldn’t be easier. Plus, a little splash of green makes your food a little more beautiful. A feast for your eyes.

Grilled Salmon with Grilled Lemon Chimichurri

Serves 2

2-4 oz salmon fillets

1 lemon, halved lengthwise

4 cups fresh parsley

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 garlic clove

salt and pepper to taste

  • Heat grill or grill pan. Place lemons sliced side down and grill until they have grill marks, about 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove lemons and let cool. Salt and pepper the salmon filets and place on grill; cook until desired texture. Avoid overcooked and dry salmon by cooking no more than 10 minutes.
  • While salmon is cooking, prepare the chimichurri: place the remaining ingredients plus the juice from the lemons in a blender. Blend until parsley is finely chopped, or not. You could leave larger parsley leaves if you prefer or you could completely puree it.
  • Remove salmon from heat immediately to prevent further cooking. Drizzle chimichurri over salmon and enjoy.

salmon with healthy sauce

As always, check out the creative recipes below from other redux members. Cheers :)

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  • Reply gretchen | kumquat December 22, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    awww, gwynnie. such great ideas, but so out of touch. i love love that you subbed in chimichurri. i love it too!!! this looks like an ideal meal at my house!
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    • Reply Ashley M Galloway December 23, 2023 at 8:55 am

      So glad to hear about your love of chimichurri - I can’t get enough of the stuff!

  • Reply GiGi Eats December 22, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    <3 <3 Gwen, have made many tributes to her on the blog and briefly met her once and saw her at my coffee shop under my apartment complex a few weeks back! She's the best, and I love her recipes - Try her greek burgers, OMG! so good!
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  • Reply Katie Cavuto December 23, 2023 at 10:38 am

    This looks so good and simple!! I can’t wait to try this out!!
    Katie Cavuto recently posted…Almond, Millet and Pear Tart: Recipe ReduxMy Profile

  • Reply Cindys Recipes and Writings December 25, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    I’m totally hooked on parsley. I use it all the time. Thanks Ashley for a different sauce recipe to use it!
    Cindys Recipes and Writings recently posted…Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party #127My Profile

    • Reply Ashley M Galloway December 26, 2023 at 9:38 pm

      I hope you enjoy it Cindy :)

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