The Fresh Beet | Credible Nutrition Information

Take My New Online Nutrition Course!

By April 18, 2024 Advice

Hi There! It’s been a while since posting on TFB but it’s because I’ve been busy creating an online course! I’m really excited to roll this out and hope that you all can find time to take it and leave me some feedback. I’m new at this online course thing so your feedback is very helpful!

The course is called Tune-Up Your Plant-Based Diet and while it may sound like it’s just for vegans and vegetarians, it’s not. It’s also for those who occasionally eat meat, or eat a lot of meat and are trying to follow a more plant-based diet. Watch the promotional video to see if the course may be a good fit for you:

If so, great! Use this promo code to take the course for just $10 (course originally priced at $80 — an 80% discount): YOU-TUBE-DISCOUNT

If you have a specific nutrition topic in mind that would helpful for you, drop me a beet in the comment sections below 🙂



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