The Fresh Beet | Charleston South Carolina Registered Dietitian

No Bake Granola Bars: Better Than Store Bought Bars

By March 7, 2024 Breakfast, Recipe Box, Snacks, Sweets & Treats, Vegan, Vegetarian

Did you know that peanut butter mixed with maple syrup is a nutritional synergistic superfood?

Just kidding 🙂 But wouldn’t that be something?
I CAN tell you however, that the two pair so marvelously together that they will change your pancake game forever. Peanut butter and maple syrup on your pancakes? Yes. Not only is it delicious, but the peanut butter adds protein, which will help prevent the spike in sugars you would normally experience from that carby/sugary breakfast.

This dynamic-duo also adds a wonderful flavor to these No Bake Granola Bars.
I thought this recipe would be fitting as I’m currently working on the next Grocery Guide episode which teaches you how to choose a more nutritious snack bar. While some bars at the grocery store do contain real foods that nourish your body, most do not and should be ashamed of promoting themselves as such. Stay tuned for this fun episode.
In the meantime, know that the best choice you can make in the the snack bar aisle is to not buy a snack bar; make your own instead. This way, you control the ingredients and can make it as wholesome as you like, leaving out all those strange products needed to make it shelf-stable. You can even package them in their own individual bags for those desperate grab-and-go times in life. I know it’s not realistic to continually make your own bars at home; one of the perks of store bought bars is having the convenience of not making your own. But even if you could make your own bars 50% of the time you’d be doing your body good. Not only will your bar nourish you more than it’s store-bought counterpart, but you’ll also reap the satisfaction that comes along with creating something. You’ll also improve your cooking skills, and give yourself more kitchen confidence to take on other healthy eating endeavors.

Plus, they always taste better because they’re fresh out the oven. Give them a try. Even if just once.


Makes 6 bars


1.5 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup dates
1 cup roasted almonds
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup
1/2 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon ground flax seed (optional)


Toast your oats. Place oats in a large skillet pan and toast over medium heat, stirring frequently so they don’t burn. You’ll know they’re done once you start to smell their oaty aroma. Place in a large mixing bowl.
Place dates in a small food processor, bullet or blender. Blend them until they’re broken down into tiny, paste-like pieces.
Add dates, almonds, raisins, cinnamon, and flax to oats in large bowl.
Using the same skillet, heat the peanut butter and maple syrup together until liquid and combined. Pour over oat mixture.
Mix thoroughly until well combined.
Place mixture in parchment lined baking pan; I used an 11×7 baking pan, scooting the mixture to one side, filling it only half way. I wanted slightly thicker bars. Depending on the thickness you want your bars will determine the pan you choose.
Firmly press mixture into pan, packing it as tightly as you can.
Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Remove, slice and enjoy!
To Store: using the same parchment paper, tear into thick strips and use to separate the bars from each other when stacking; they’ll be a bit sticky. Store in airtight container or ziploc bag. Bars should last about a week in the refrigerator but I can guarantee you that 6 bars won’t last even that long.
Nutrition per bar (if recipe makes 6 bars): 328 calories, 17 g total fat {2g saturated, 5g polyunsaturated, 10g monounsaturated}, 28mg sodium, 265 mg potassium, 36g carbohydrate, 6g fiber, 10g protein
DV%: 31% vitamin E, 15% copper, 13% iron, 17% magnesium, 53% manganese

Here are some other bar recipes you might like:

Peanut Butter Apricot Chewy Bars







Pumpkin Quinoa Bars







Homemade Fig Newtons - a little different, but way too fun not to share


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  • Reply Teresa March 7, 2024 at 3:55 pm

    Hey Ashley,
    These look super good and simple. I’d like to make them with my daughter to send to school. She’s not allergic to nuts, but sits at the nut free table with her friend. Do you think pumpkin seeds with sunflower butter or cookie butter could be a good substitute? Hard to find a nut free healthy bar for school lunches!

    • Reply Ashley M Galloway March 7, 2024 at 4:15 pm

      Hi Theresa! Pumpkin seeds and sunbutter sounds amazing. I actually thought about using sunbutter, but didn’t have any 🙂 Let me know how they turn out!

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