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These dense and hearty pancakes are full of oats, spelt flour, flax and sunflower seeds. Hello fiber! Instead of syrup, I used melted peanut butter mixed with maple syrup to balance out the otherwise high sugar content.

I love having pancakes for breakfast but I always leave the table with a sugar high that eventually turns into a sugar crash, #guaranteedmoodswing. Enter these fiber packed pancakes. Fiber rich foods are slow to digest and therefore reduce the rate at which blood sugars rise. Maintaining normal blood sugar levels are good not just for diabetics, but also for people trying to lose weight and for people who want to stay healthy.

Oatmeal Pancakes

Makes ~ 10 (6 inch pancakes)

1 cup oats (steel cut or rolled)

3/4 cup spelt flour

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

3 TBS flax meal

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

splash of vanilla

1 TBS cinnamon

1 cup milk (any kind)

2 eggs

  • In a pan over medium high, toast your oats, seeds and cinnamon for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so nothing burns.
  • Add this mixture into a blender and pulse until oats become a flour. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
  • Into the bowl, add remaining dry ingredients and mix well.
  • Add wet ingredients and mix until lumps are mostly gone.
  • Pour batter into desired pancake size on heated pan and pancake away.

Maple Peanut Butter

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1/2 TBS cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla

  • Melt your peanut butter in a sauce pan or microwave. Be careful not to over cook.
  • Once melted, mix in remaining ingredients and drizzle/spread over pancakes.


Per pancake: 150 kcal, 5g fat, 2g polyunsaturated fat, 20g carb, 4g fiber, 0.3g sugar, 7g protein //selenium//

Per 2 TBS Spread: 173 kcal, 10 g fat, 13g carb, 9.5g sugar, 1g fiber, 5g protein //Magnesium//

1 kiwi (sliced) + 1/2 cup berries: 80 kcal, 0g fat, 20g carb, 4g fiber, 5g sugar, 1g protein //Vitamin C//

2 pancakes + 2 TBS spread + fruit = 403 kcal, 15g fat, 53g carb, 9g fiber, 15g sugar, 13g protein

{It may seem a little carb heavy to those counting their carbs, but check out the video below to see how adding berries to meals can actually reduce the glycemic load of a meal.}


Did you know?

Eating berries with a carbohydrate rich meal can actually help reduce that spike in blood sugar. Sounds counterintuitive right? Berries ARE a carbohydrate so wouldn’t they add to the increase in blood sugar? Nope - check out the study in video form at

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