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Pasta in an Eggplant Case

So I’ve been carrying around this pasta cookbook for about 6 years now, and this is the first recipe I’ve attempted to make from it. Honestly, the cookbook is a little intimidating. There are tons of cheeses with names I cannot pronounce, LONG ingredient...

{Cheap&Complete} Tuna and Chickpea Bowtie Pasta with Veggies

Argentina had some slim pickin’s when it came to grocery shopping. But I have to say this was one of the more tasty meals I was able to scrounge up. Pasta and beans are cheap and cook up quickly. We’ve been eating quite a bit of these things while...

Baked Penne with Mustard Greens

It’s been a while since I’ve had an ultimately satisfying pasta dish. My sicilian grandmother would be ashamed. It’s so easy to throw together and it tastes so wonderful. Boil some pasta, add some vegetables, spices/herbs and cheese, and bake until...