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Chai-Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

[Tweet “Creamy oatmeal cooked in concentrated chai tea and coconut milk, topped with toasted hazelnuts. This oatmeal is so moody.”] The day I made this creamy, coconuty bowl of oats was a cold, dreary and rainy day. Not usually my preferred kind of day,...

Dark Chocolate Truffles

Last night I had the opportunity to create my own spread for 13 people. George and Colleen had some friends over for drinks and dinner, and gave me free reign to tear up their (once) beautiful kitchen. Not to worry, the kitchen is making its way back to some sense of...

Coconut-Chimichurri Orzo & Quinoa

Do you ever start cooking dinner and then realize you have a little bit of this grain left, a little bit of that pasta, some leftover sauce in the fridge…? I did a few nights ago so I threw them altogether and added a few things to make it more of a meal. The...

Coconut Risotto Cabbage Wraps

On the first day at our new WWOOFing home I had to raid the kitchen to see what was there. Its quite a busy kitchen, with lots of things everywhere. I like this. It’s used often. And that’s how kitchens should be. Right when you walk in, the smell of...