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A friend of mine found this recipe in Garden and Gun Magazine and had the wonderful idea to make it for her Thanksgiving desert. She decided to make it a two-tier rather than three-tier cake, and use the leftover batter for cupcakes so we could put an end to teasing our taste buds.

I absolutely love the combination of pear and pistachio, and the subtle hint of ginger in the butter cream icing was phenomenal. Most icing tends to be far too sugary for my enjoyment. This butter cream icing is just that - buttery and creamy. Not too sweet. Just enough to compliment the cake beneath it. I have to say, however, this is definitely a treat of a desert, as there are copious amounts of butter used. Something to be enjoyed in moderation - not everyday.

Here’s the recipe from Garden and Gun Magazine. Unfortunately I had to skedaddle before the cakes cooled so I couldn’t get a picture of the final product. But I did get a picture of the delicious little cupcakes…

Be aware that this cake takes some time to prepare, but it’s totally worth it!

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