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Oatmeal: the wonder breakfast which somehow got a bad reputation; one of being too bland and too mushy. Well, when choosing pre-packaged instant oatmeal, mushy is just what you will get! Making a simple and scrumptious bowl of oatmeal in the morning does not have to be complicated, and its impressive nutrient profile will leave your body thanking you all day long. This post is my passionate attempt to improve oatmeal’s current reputation and to get a bowl of oats in more bellies every morning.

Top: cinnamon Left: wheat germ Right: ground flax

Full of fiber, healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, a bowl of oats is a great way to start off the day. Its near perfect ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins keeps your appetite in check, giving you a steady flow of happy energy needed to get through the morning.

Keeping a couple staple items on hand at all times will ensure convenience and simplicity every morning:
Oats – Plain Old Fashioned or Steel Cut oats
Milk – Cow’s, Soy, Almond, Coconut, whatever you like (Using milk instead of water creates additional flavor, more nutrients and a creamier texture)
Vanilla – either whole vanilla bean or vanilla extract to add a nice flavor. Avoid the extracts with added sugar.
Cinnamon – A must for oatmeal!
Ground flax seed – This is optional, of course, but flax adds a great source of heart healthy Omega-3 fats and fiber. But don’t forget to grind your flax! Our bodies cannot absorb nearly as many nutrients from the whole seed itself.
Wheat germ – (optional) a great source of folic acid, selenium and zinc.
Now for the fun part! Add whatever fruit, nuts and nut butters you love and/or have on hand. Here are a couple of my favorite combinations:
  • blueberries, walnuts
  • kiwi, peaches and almond butter
  • strawberries, bananas, sunflower seeds
  • mixed berries, almonds
    • canned pumpkin, pecans and pumpkin seeds

The possibilities are endless! Keep a look out on the Oatmeal Bar for new and tasty oatmeal ideas. Here’s a taste of one…

Willy Wonka Oats
Serves 1 happy belly

Basic oats
1/4 cup steel cut oats
3/4 cup soy milk
hearty dash of cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp ground flax seed

handful blueberries
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
2 Tbsp chopped, fresh, young coconut (or shredded)
generous sprinkle pumpkin seeds
1-2 Tbsp shaved dark chocolate (optional - but it does go well with the willy wonka theme)

Combine all of the “basic oats” ingredients in a pot over medium high heat. When slightly bubbly, turn heat to medium and allow liquid to be absorbed until oatmeal is creamy, about 7-12 minutes. Pour into a bowl and throw on toppings. Enjoy.

*Steel cut oats take a tiny bit longer to cook, but are more hearty in texture and nuttier in flavor compared to rolled oats. They also have slightly more protein, fiber and iron.

Nutrition Values

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