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Grocery guide

a video series dedicated to helping you make the most informed and nutritious choices at the grocery store

Eggs: What All Those Label Claims Mean (or don’t mean)

Eggs: What All Those Label Claims Mean (or don’t mean)

Vegetarian Fed, Free Range, Cage Free, Certified Humane... Egg labels got you confused? Rightfully so - like many other products in the grocery store, egg cartons are now also obnoxiously decorated with label claims. And while some labels are well regulated,...

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Yogurt: Three Tips to Help You Make a Healthier Choice

Yogurt: Three Tips to Help You Make a Healthier Choice

One of the most interesting points here is that full-fat yogurt can be a healthy choice. After  years of recommendations to choose the fat-free versions of everything, more recent research shows that saturated fat intake is not related to an increase in heart...

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Non-Dairy Milks: How to Make the Best Choice For You

Non-Dairy Milks: How to Make the Best Choice For You

Like the isle full of eggs, the milk isle is just as daunting. I mean really, how many milks are there!? soy, almond, hemp, coconut, rice, oat Don't get me wrong, I love me some soy milk and and I absolutely adore a homemade nut milk every now...

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travel & personal

a peek into my personal life

My Sweet Olivia, You Were Worth It All

My Sweet Olivia, You Were Worth It All

In a nutshell, I was wildly unprepared for child birth. But let's start with the good stuff, shall we? I had an amazing pregnancy. No morning sickness, no complications, stable blood pressures, weight gain was textbook healthy, continued rock climbing and practicing...

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Japan Travels Part 2 + Kyoto Travel Tips

Japan Travels Part 2 + Kyoto Travel Tips

~This is part two (Kyoto) of my favorite travel experiences in Japan. If you're new to The Fresh Beet, be sure to check out Part 1 -- Tokyo. If you really don't care what I have to say and just want to read the travel tips, scroll straight to the bottom.~ The...

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Blog author, Ashley Thomas, is a Registered Dietitian with a private practice in Peoria, IL. If you’re looking for more personalized nutrition advice from a practicing professional, schedule an appointment with Ashley today by clicking the button below.

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