Cook With Me TV - A Live Stream Cooking Network run by Dietitians

By January 14, 2024 Advice, Charleston, SC

Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoyed a little time with family and friends these past few holidays and are finding yourself comfortably settling into a new year. I for one have had some major changes in my work life so entering into the new year has been more exciting than ever before. 😀

I have left my full-time job with Aramark at the College of Charleston to pursue my own business — The Fresh Beet Nutrition LLC, a virtual private practice providing nutrition services for women AND a live stream cooking network run by Registered Dietitians called Cook With Me TV.

The goal of Cook With Me TV is to get more people cooking healthier meals at home so they can be their healthiest, happiest, and most productive selves. So how does it work? Every Friday I will post four recipes with a Grocery Guide so you can go grocery shopping over the weekend for everything you need to crank out these tasty and nutritious dinners for the week ahead. When Monday rolls around, tune in to our live stream show on Facebook at 6:30pm EST. We will all cook alongside each other and you will have the opportunity to ask a Dietitian as many questions as you like! Hello #freeadvice! You are of course welcome to tune in to watch for entertainment purposes too…I mean, I DO have the cutest dog in the world who will likely make a daily appearance. Plus, I’ve been known to catch my oven on fire so if you’re in need of some entertainment, there will never be a dull moment.

Be sure to FOLLOW our Facebook page so that you are notified when we post the new menu and when we go live. Here is what we are cooking this week:

Monday, January 15 - Thursday, January 18





And here is the Grocery Guide:



As for the private practice, I am currently accepting new clients and since my practice is virtual, you don’t have to live in Charleston! Our session will take place on a HIPAA compliant platform so all of your personal and medical information remains secure. It’s similar to Skype in that we can visit with each other face to face. You can read more about my services and contact info here.

Hope to see you Monday on Cook With Me TV!

All the best,

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  • Reply Emily Funcik January 21, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    I’m so excited to know about this resource! I will have to pass this on to clients.

  • Reply Puneet Jaiprakash January 28, 2024 at 11:11 pm

    Hi Ashley,

    I have a quick question: Will these FB videos and weekly recipes eventually be hosted on another platform such as YouTube and your website? Many other bloggers do that (e.g. Danielle Walker of, possibly to reach to a broader audience. In my case though, I’m just trying to cut down social media. Being able to get the info through an alternate medium and watch it later is a big plus.


    • Reply Ashley G. Thomas January 29, 2024 at 8:11 am

      Hi Puneet,
      Yes, Cook With Me TV will eventually be moved to it’s own website and contain a variety of cooking shows going live at different times of the day. Thanks for reaching out and asking — it’s always helpful to know what our people are looking for!
      Hope that snow storm has cleared up 🙂

      • Reply Puneet January 30, 2024 at 10:23 pm

        Thanks for letting me know. That would be super helpful. Actually, we got so much snow that they had to first clear the roads, parking lots, etc. and then move that snow to a different location! But we’re all cleared up now. I’ve been here for about 7 years and it’s definitely a cold place to live in (more accurately: it’s a whole new definition of cold, relative to VA). But I’ve come to realize there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing and being unprepared!

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