What It’s Like To Work With Me

The time you spend we spend together will help you regain confidence in making food choices and understand how those choices fit your needs. I use an integrated and personalized approach to nutrition, health, and healing by digging deep to find and address the true root cause of your issues. There is no one-size-fits-all diet as everyone has unique nutrition needs. I am committed to helping you find a sustainable eating style that nourishes your body, fits your life and tastes amazing.

The Nitty Gritty

During our first session, we will discuss your past and current eating habits, medical issues, and medications, and what your current health goals are. We will then create a plan of action broken down into weekly goals to help keep you focused and on track. Your plan will include a flexible meal plan that can be customized, recipes, meal ideas, and shopping lists, the tools you need to put your new nutrition plan into action.

But the support doesn’t stop when you walk out my office door - I will be there with you every step of the way through the use of Healthie, a free app that lets me provide immediate feedback on your progress and allows you to message me when you have questions. It’s like having a Dietitian in your pocket! I find that clients like to share their food photos with me as a way to hold themselves accountable to sticking with their plan. Some also like to share photos of restaurant meals with me to ask how that meal can fit into their plan.

Cooking is central to my approach in helping you follow a style of eating that lets you feel your personal best. I help my clients cook and eat whole food plant-based meals that can be prepared in 30 minutes or less. If you are not willing to prioritize your health enough to dedicate time to cook, then I am not the right fit for you.


“As an extremely busy single mom, it is challenging to balance nutrition when my daily activities have me racing. Ashley was very knowledgeable and helped me determine what I can do to fit healthy choices into my busy schedule. She also taught me how to sneak nutrition into my picky 10 year old’s meals. Her tips were easy to stick to and life changing!”

-Maryanne A.

“My husband went for his 3-month blood work and his A1C was down 3 points! His doctor told him to keep up the good work, so no diabetes medicine required at this time! Thank you so much for the consultation and great nutritional tips and advice! You were a huge help to us on this journey.”



  • One-on-One Nutrition Coaching - in-person and virtual sessions

  • Meal Planning

  • In-Home Meal Prep

  • Private Cooking Classes

  • Wellness Workshops & Presentations


Got questions? Send me a message below and I’ll get back to you ASAP: