Tag Archives: pecans

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5 Nutritious and Quenching Summer Salads

The warm (and often humid) summer weather begs for fresh juicy fruits thrown into salads. It’s a great way to boost the nutrients in your salad, add a serving of fruit to your day and quench your summer driven thirst. Spinach and crisp red cabbage topped with juicy orange slices, red onion, sunflower seeds and […]

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Tempeh & Black Bean Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed peppers were a common meal throughout my childhood. My mom used to stuff green peppers with ground beef, onion, garlic, spices and probably some other ingredients I am leaving out (Mom, if you’re out there, leave a comment and correct me on this one). To switch up the dish a bit, this version uses […]

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Spice Up Your Salad

Last night for dinner I threw together an arugula salad with pears, toasted pecans and blue cheese. It was so lovely I wanted it again for lunch today, but this time I added some red onion and topped it all off with a sprinkle of cinnamon and cayenne pepper. SO good. sweet + salty + […]

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