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Spiced Quinoa Parfait + Tips for Choosing a Healthier Yogurt

Ya’ll. Have you tried using quinoa in place of granola in your yogurt parfaits? It’s so good! The chewy quinoa is a nice texture against the creamy yogurt. It’s also a great way to get your whole grains in as well as up the fiber and the...

Anatomy of a Balanced Breakfast + Siggi’s Toast

I did not receive compensation for promoting Siggi’s in this post. I support Siggi’s because I enjoy their products and believe that they are a healthy alternative to many other high-sugar, ingredient-laden yogurts on the market. Ever thought of spreading...

Yogurt: Three Tips to Help You Make a Healthier Choice

One of the most interesting points here is that full-fat yogurt can be a healthy choice. After  years of recommendations to choose the fat-free versions of everything, more recent research shows that saturated fat intake is not related to an increase in heart...

Chickpea Flour Pancakes with Coconut-Apricot Yogurt Sauce

Hey ya’ll, happy Friday! I’ve had a super productive day and I think the pancakes are to blame (and maybe the rainy weather that made me stay inside all day). I made my pancakes with chickpea flour which has more protein and fiber than most other flours,...

Healthy Granola Recipe

Looking for a granola recipe with a little less sugar but still tastes great? Try this Everyday Granola recipe adapted from The Kitchn. After dusting off and opening up The Kitchn’s cookbook for my last redux challenge, I found a recipe for Everyday Granola that...