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Here is a great sauce I picked up from my South American travels. Chimmichurri is a blend of parsley, olive oil, garlic, lime juice, salt and aji (a type of super spicy pepper), and is used typically on steak dishes. While eating lunch at a restaurant one day, I just...

Coconut Risotto Cabbage Wraps

On the first day at our new WWOOFing home I had to raid the kitchen to see what was there. Its quite a busy kitchen, with lots of things everywhere. I like this. It’s used often. And that’s how kitchens should be. Right when you walk in, the smell of...

Poor Man’s Delicious Lentils, Veggies and Plantains

We made lunch at home to save a little money. Produce is very cheap here and there is no option for conventionally grown vs organically grown. Why? Because most of it is not Organic. And although there are very few organic farms here in Spain, the movement...

Not Your Momma’s Tuna Salad Sandwich

Canned tuna doused in mayo is so 1950’s. Don’t get me wrong, I like a little mayo with my tuna every now and then, but too much of a good thing ends up not being such a good thing. I like to use a little olive oil and mustard instead. Throw in some capers,...

Asparagus and Swiss Chard Orzo

Right now I’m visiting Canada with my boyfriend and his family. And I’m loving every minute of it. Well, with the exception of the couple seconds spent smacking my head on the ice during a ski sesh. And falling oddly on my thumb, giving it free reign to...