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Oatmeal Molasses Bread

  …made with a wooden spoon that I have somehow managed to keep by my side. I lived in several different apartments while attending college (but really, who hasn’t?), then moved twice after college, and am moving again soon. Of all the things...

Delicious Oatmeal Recipe

Pumpkin Cranberry Oats! My parents stopped in Greenville on their way home to Florida from Michigan, and my mom delightfully brought us a loaf of her famous pumpkin-cranberry bread. She makes a ton of these breads during this time of year and gives them to friends...

Banana Cherry Oatmeal and a Suspected Oatmeal Thief

First morning back home from our little vacay in Kiawah and I couldn’t wait to have my morning oatmeal! Today it’s bananas, dried cherries, pepitas and almonds. Mashing up a banana into oatmeal adds sweetness without having to use other sweeteners. Fruit...

Pumpkin Oats

Just when you thought there were plenty of posts about oatmeal…. More oatmeal! This bowl of oats is a little different than my others because I tried adding a spoonful of my peanut butter pumpkin dip and it was oh so delicious! Topped with almonds,...

Raspberry Peach Oats

Good morning! Before I head off to work, I wanted to share my morning bowl of oats with you. Using my Basic Oats recipe of steel cut oats, milk (I’ve got soy), cinnamon, ground flax and vanilla, I mixed in sunflower seeds and raisins towards the end of cooking,...