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Healthy Holiday Eating Tip

Just a few more days left until Christmas and some of us are still running around searching for that perfect gift. No doubt this time of year stresses us out a little more than usual - attending holiday parties, working a little a later to make that extra dollar...

Get Your Five A Day

  Get Your 5 A Day It is very well established in research that the more fruits and veggies you eat, the less your risk of developing cancer and other chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Buying produce may seem more costly at times, but it beats...

Tips for Drinking a Healthier Coffee

Drink a Healthier Coffee The Holiday season often tempts us with warm and decadent coffee drinks - Peppermint Mocha, Pumpkin Spice, Gingerbread and Eggnog Latte. Their silky sweetness is hard to resist but sip mindfully because these drinks can pack up to 200+...

Healthy Eating Tip of the Week

Start snacking on Clementines this week! Their peak season is now (October-February) so take advantage of these sweet and juicy cuties.   For under 100 calories, 1 clementine packs more than half of your daily need for vitamin C - so why not have 2 to make...
Tips for A Healthy Breakfast While Traveling

Tips for A Healthy Breakfast While Traveling

Oatmeal is kind of my thing in the morning, and I’ll do most anything to get it - especially when traveling. Of course hotel porridge is no where near as good as my homemade bowl of oats but it will suffice during most times. I flew to Tempe, Arizona for...