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Eggs: What All Those Label Claims Mean (or don’t mean)

Vegetarian Fed, Free Range, Cage Free, Certified Humane… Egg labels got you confused? Rightfully so - like many other products in the grocery store, egg cartons are now also obnoxiously decorated with label claims. And while some labels are well...

Snack Bars: Two Simple Tips for Choosing a Nutritious Snack Bar

Don’t get caught up in boisterous marketing claims. They are designed to cloud your decision-making process and alter your perception so that you can’t resist buying their product. #scary Follow these two tips to choosing a more wholesome snack bar at...

Video: Remember These 3 Things When Choosing a Healthy Cereal

Searching for a healthy cereal in that never-ending aisle can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. Watch this brief video and learn how to choose a healthy cereal using these three criterion… {I did not receive compensation to promote the selected...

Yogurt: Three Tips to Help You Make a Healthier Choice

One of the most interesting points here is that full-fat yogurt can be a healthy choice. After  years of recommendations to choose the fat-free versions of everything, more recent research shows that saturated fat intake is not related to an increase in heart...

Non-Dairy Milks: How to Make the Best Choice For You

Like the isle full of eggs, the milk isle is just as daunting. I mean really, how many milks are there!? soy, almond, hemp, coconut, rice, oat Don’t get me wrong, I love me some soy milk and and I absolutely adore a homemade nut milk...