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Stuffed Sweetpotato Skins

I received free samples of California Sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my...


Good falafel is hard to find. I have found many a falafel to be overly dry; a rather disappointing experience that no doubt gives this spectacular food a bad rep. When you can’t find what you want, make it yourself. Happy as can be, I stumbled across a food...

My New Found Love For Peruvian Cooking

I have always heard that Peruvian cuisine is among the best in the world. And how true it is! Ceviche, stuffed peppers, choclo (maize), quinoa, and amazing varieties of fruit; not to mention the 3000+ varieties of potatoes grown here. Perhaps the only negative is...

Rice with Beets, Cauliflower and Cilantro

So sorry for the horrible blurry photo - I took it on a bumpy bus ride. I made this rice dish to take with us on our 16 hour bus ride from Bariloche to Mendoza. We never know if the bus will provide us with food during these long trips so we’ve been taking...

{Cheap&Complete} Curry Cauliflower and Sesame Cilantro Rice

How the time flies! Since my arrival in Argentina, I’ve found it quite difficult to maintain TheFreshBeet. Bouncing from hostel to hostel, taking 12+ hour long bus rides to new cities and exploring the beauty of which Patagonia has to offer has taken up all my...