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Spiced Cider and a Walk Down Memory Lane

Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays. It’s wonderful to come home and visit with family and old friends. My mom seems to always dig up something from my childhood, and this year, it was a children’s cookbook she gave me for my 6th birthday:...

Vintage Dishes: Waldorf Salad

Ah, waldorf salad. Apples, grapes, celery and walnuts all melded together with some of that good ole fashioned glue we call mayo. I used to love this stuff. But my taste for mayo has changed and I can’t bear to eat things covered in it. [Well, except maybe egg...

Carrot. Apple. Ginger. Lemon.

Simple ingredients. Fresh food. Clean flavor. Juicing is such a nice treat and a great nutritious addition to anyone’s day. Lately, I have been surrounded by juicers. First with Lindsay’s juicer, with which we made an awesome beet juice, and now with...