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Dad’s Famous Fried Egg & Marmalade Sandwich

Well, he really uses jelly. Grape jelly to be exact. I use marmalade. Or preserves. Whatever the mood strikes. I got this marmalade as a gift when I went to Vermont. It has an interesting sweet and tangy balance, and really works well here. I made this sandwich on a...

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Good Eats from Taste of Charleston 2014

Hosted by the Greater Charleston Restaurant Association, this years Taste of Charleston took place at the lovely historic Boone Hall Plantation.     With samples of food from 50 of the lowcountry's favorite restaurants, it truly was a sea of culinary...

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Sun-Dried Tomato Spread

For this month's redux challenge - making or using dehydrated foods - I REALLY wanted to make fruit leather. Unfortunately, I don't have a dehydrator, I didn't have much time to use the sun method, and my oven is acting a fool (it seems to only work on Tuesday's and...

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Apple Pumpkin Smoothie

It truly feels like fall today in Charleston - at least this morning it did. I woke up to a 64 degree temperature and it couldn't have been more pleasant. I just love this time of year. Last night it was cool enough to open up all the windows and let some fresh air...

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Vegetarian Tempeh Meatballs

Last night I was in the mood for something comforting. A pasta and meatball kind of comfort. I've made tempeh meatballs in the past, but I've never been satisfied with their moisture level; they were always so dry. Flavorful, but dry. So rather than baking or pan...

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My Favorite Moments from Blog Brulee

  {My attendance at Blog Brûlée was partially funded by the Sponsors of the event. I was not compensated to write this post} I can remember when Blog Brulee was months away. Now it has come and passed so quickly! I have to admit, I was a little intimidated and...

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Blog Brûlée - setting fire to better blogs

My attendance at the Blog Brûlée is/was partially funded by Sponsors of the Blog Brûlée, and I received a discounted registration to the event in exchange for writing this post. Opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated for my time. T-minus 2 days until I...

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Sweet Basil Apricot Bites

This month's Recipe Redux Challenge couldn't have fit my needs better. It feels like I've been in a time crunch ALL month, and thankfully, these bites just took minutes to throw together. All in the month of August, David and I have moved into a new apartment, started...

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Chopped Summer Salad + Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

This chopped salad is a cinch to throw together and includes lots of tasty summer produce: zucchini, corn, bell peppers, basil. Top it off with a sweet and tangy dressing and you've got yourself one satisfying dinner salad. [print_this] Chopped Summer Salad + Honey...

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Coconut Curry Lentils {with turmeric + raisins}

For the past few weeks, I've been meaning to have a turmeric dish of some sort. My co-worker has an interest in doing some research on the health benefits of turmeric and so I can thank her for the inspiration (thanks Arian!). For years, researchers thought that...

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Super Easy Chia Pudding

Cha-cha-cha-chia! I haven't spoken too much of chia seeds lately. In fact, I think the last time I did speak of them was in a chia-marketing-rant as part of my very first post on the fresh beet (a fun re-read for me!). Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the chia...

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Beet BBQ Sauce

I've had a hankering for BBQ sauce lately. Maybe it's because I just recently moved back to the south. Or maybe it's just because there's something mouth watering about said sweet and tangy sauce. I'll find most anything to dip this stuff into. A friend of mine loves...

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Broccoli Parmesan Fritters + Poached Egg

Today was the first day of my new job. Yay! No longer unemployed! It's a bit of a change-up from my previous work as a dietitian, this nutrition research. And I have to admit that veering out of my clinical comfort zone made me feel a little squirrely. No more...

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Brie, nectarine & arugula quesadilla

I love me a gooey, cheesy quesadilla. DT is the Quesadilla King (you should see his double decker special) around here; if it weren't for him, there would be a drastic decline in quesadilla production in the Galloway-Thomas household. Our go-to fillings typically...

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Blossom Topped Lemon-Poppy Seed Loaf

I had a blast with this months Recipe Redux theme: Edible Flowers. There are so many ways to use these lovely blossoms but I couldn't help but marvel at their beauty for a while before actually putting them to use. I found it strangely difficult to find edible flowers...

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