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With other vegetables, that is. This time, my farro meshed quite well with some asparagus, mushrooms and peas. It also enjoyed being surrounded by a scarf of raw mustard greens, and being lightly sprinkled with some freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

Interesting tid-bits about this dish:

  • Mustard greens paired with peas create a complete protein (didn’t learn that one in school!)
  • Mustard greens are very high in vitamin A, K, C and Folate
  • Cooking the greens increases the amount of available vitamin A and K
  • But the raw greens have a higher vitamin C content (heat destroys Vitamin C)
  • The Folate appears to remain the same, whether cooked or raw



Farro with Asparagus, Peas and Mushrooms

3 cups cooked Farro (1 cup dry farro per 1.5 cups water)
2 cups asparagus, diced
1 cup mushroom, diced
2/3 cup onion, diced
1 cup peas
2-3 cups mustard greens, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, diced
olive oil
Juice from one lime
salt and pepper to taste
Freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano

-Saute asparagus, mushroom and onion in 1-2 tablespoons olive oil until soft, but still with bite (about 7-10 minutes).
-Add garlic and peas last ( I used frozen peas - they’re a nice last minute add-in because they heat up rather quickly)
-Serve hot and top with Parmigiano Reggiano and mustard greens.



A nice piece of salmon went well with this grain dish, and is accompanied by a raspberry fig balsamic reduction, the recipe of which can be found here.

Enjoy your greens and things.

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